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Certified Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

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NOTE OF APPECIATION: We wish to express our appreciation to the many individuals and companies that contributed to the material below 
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1. H2o2 contains no poisons or toxins. It is a chemical compound consisting ONLY of water (h2o) and oxygen (o).

2. If contact with skin, do not panic. H2o2 it will TEMPORARILY bleach the skin color and will sting. However, no permanent damage is done and color will return in less than one hour - and usually within minutes. No poison or toxic substance has been absorbed through the skin as h2o2 contains no toxins. The bleaching is caused by the oxygen in h2o2.

If contact with skin, wash off area generously with water or any drinkable liquid (soda pop or any beverage if water is not available.)

3. If contact with eyes, immediately flush eyes generously with water.

4. If internally swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Drink as much water as possible and contact emergency medical care immediately.

5. Spill clean up? Just wash down with water. H2o2 contains no toxins or contaminants to ground or ground water.

6. H2o2 is not flammable.


 Warnings concerning internal usage

The F.D.A. does not and has not authorized or approved of any medical usage of hydrogen peroxide. You should speak to your licensed medical doctor or qualified healthcare provider before using hydrogen peroxide for any therapeutic usage.

Hydrogen peroxide should NEVER be used for any medical purpose and never ingested or injected into the blood stream unless it is reduced and only by licensed medical doctors who approve of doing so and are who actually administer it and monitor such administration. Even if administered by a licensed medical doctor, putting hydrogen peroxide directly into the blood stream has been highly criticized and poises serious risk potential of injury or death.

You should never inject hydrogen peroxide in any concentration into your blood stream and doing so will result permanent injury or death, nor rely upon general advice by anyone on the benefits of how to do so or promising benefits. Such direct injection should only be administered by an AMA licensed doctor and administered in a VERY diluted form ONLY by that doctor and while being monitored. Hydrogen peroxide at any concentration level should NEVER be used for an eye wash, for cleaning ears or as a nasal spray.



No product offered by us is to be used for direct injection into the blood stream regardless of purpose or concentration, including by licensed medical personnel. For those few AMA licensed doctors who offer such treatment, they use a specific medical grade hydrogen peroxide generally not available to the public and it is very costly in very small volume containers.


There is no established level of safe oral ingesting of hydrogen peroxide, though it has been used in 2% to 3% concentration as mouthwash for decades but then not to be swallowed.


If you want to ship your h2o2 to someone else...

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SHIPPING h2o2 to a friend or other location

There are many restrictions on shipping h2o2. This is only a summary and specifics may add additional requirements.

If you reshipped h2o2 to a friend or another person, you MUST follow these rules. Please note, other rules may prohibit reshipping.

1. H2o2 may NEVER be sent by air mail, any air transportation or through the United States post office except for extremely low concentrations in some instances. Ask us first!

2. There is a limit on the level of concentration that can be shipped by any means.

3. We HIGHLY advise that you do not reship if the bottle has been opened and the seal broken.

4. For safety to the carrier, we highly recommend double sealing the bottle in 2 bags one of which is at least 6 mil thick plastic bags.

6. You can not ship h2o2 of any concentration to any foreign country, Hawaii or Alaska due to restrictions and the strict restriction of no air transportation of h2o2.

7. Do not ship h2o2 to a military base or to a government building.

8. You can not take h2o2 in any concentration on aircraft in personal baggage.

BEFORE SHIPPING OR TRANSPORTING ANY h2o2 product, re-read the above and speak to the shipping company.



 If you have 17.5% or 8% hydrogen peroxide, here is how to factor it (generally) in relation to 35% concentration.


17.5% is half as strong as 35%. Therefore, use TWICE as much 35%


8% is approximate 1/5th as strong as 35%. Therefore, use FIVE TIMES as much as 35%.


TO MAKE 3% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (these are ONLY approximates):

(You must use DISTILLED water - not tap or spring water. Tap and spring water contains minerals which will cause hydrogen peroxide to weaken very quickly)


If you start with 35%: It takes approximately 11 times as much water added to 35% to produce 3% hydrogen peroxide.


If you start with 17.5%: It takes approximately 6 times as much water added to 17.5% to make 3% hydrogen peroxide.


If you start with 8%: It takes approximately 2 1/2 times as much water added to 8% to make 3% hydrogen peroxide.


Do NOT drink 3% hydrogen peroxide!



First, please read the warnings and notice above AND at the bottom of this page. Internal consumption of hydrogen peroxide is not approved of by the F.D.A. and is controversial. Excessive or improper usage may cause serious or permanent injury.

Second, you should ONLY use 35% FOOD GRADE hydrogen peroxide. Not LESSER concentrations and not unless food grade. If the person/company is offering a lower concentration but also NOT 35%, you should consider it VERY LIKELY they are NOT selling FOOD GRADE regardless of what they advertise or put on the label.

THE USAGE LEVEL IS ONLY A GENERAL GUIDELINE FOR SAFE USAGE FOR ADULTS. This is not a health guideline which we strictly may not give. ADDITIONALLY, YOU SHOULD SPEAK TO YOUR LICENSED DOCTOR OR QUALIFIED HEALTHCARE PROVIDER FIRST. We CANNOT provide any guidance usage for health or therapeutic usage. 

Usage: 4 to 8 drops per 8 ounces of distilled or filtered water between meals, 2 to 3 times a day, 5 to 6 days a week. You should start at a lower rather than higher level. This is presented as safety material, not health or therapy material. We can not give medical advice. There are numerous materials to read and listen to on the topic for you to consider. We can not endorse any health usage due to various regulations and rules.

NEVER consume hydrogen peroxide in concentrated form. It MUST be HIGHLY diluted first!


Any higher concentration levels of H202 internal usage should be approached very gradually. Excessive levels can be extremely harmful and even lethal.


H202 has a distinct taste to it. For some it takes getting used to like anything else new.

If there is any stinging sensation in the mouth the level is extremely too high. If there is any internal sense of stinging or stomach pain, drink as much water as possible and seek immediately emergency medical attention. Never induce vomiting as this can cause severe lung tissue damage.

Occasionally people who use H202 for the first time will report diarrhea. This is not uncommon and should end the same day. Some attribute this to the body flushing out waste materials.

Stomach pain, however, is a serious warning sign of excessive concentration and should be taken seriously. If the stomach pain is intense, immediate emergency care is an absolute necessity.

If you are gradually increasing levels of H202 consumption across a period of time, warning signs that the levels are becoming excess are a sensation of stomach gas or blood shot eyes. You should discontinue usage for a day or two, and then resume at a lower level of concentration.

You need to be aware the FDA has not and does not approve of any medical application or usage of hydrogen peroxide.

PLEASE NOTE: hydrogen peroxide should NEVER be used for any medical purpose and never ingested or injected into the blood stream unless is it GREATLY reduced. You should NEVER inject hydrogen peroxide in any concentration into your blood stream and doing so will result permanent injury or death. Such direct injection should only be administered by an AMA licensed doctor and then it would be administered in a VERY diluted form. Hydrogen peroxide at any concentration level should NEVER be used for a eye wash, for cleaning ears or as a nasal spray. READ MORE BELOW.


H202 decomposes (released its extra oxygen molecule) in interaction with organic and certain metallic materials which are found in tap, spring and well water. This causes the H202 to release its oxygen prematurely before absorption.


The most important rule to remember is that undiluted H202 is EXTREMELY dangerous to eyes and is fatal if swallowed with still concentrated. Therefore, store H202 in a very safe location and NEVER put it undiluted in an unmarked bottle. Though extremely rare, there have been reports of fatality with H202 in concentrated form was mistake for water.


H202 rapidly decomposes in a photo-reaction to U.V. light. This will cause the H202 to weaken in concentration and will cause the bottle to expand and possibly burst. We suggest SLIGHTLY loosening the cap (barely) to allow for any gas build up to bleed off rather than burst the bottle is stored for an extended period. Storing in the dark means total darkness (though the brief refrigerator light when open or while mixing on under kitchen light is OK.)


There is a false view commonly taken that H202 should be stored in the freezer. If H202 is frozen at too cold a temperature, it will separate (decompose) as the water and H202 freeze at different temperatures. Do not store H202 in a freezer.


Small bottles of H202 are best stored in a refrigerator as it is cold and dark. However, this is only the case if this is NOT accessible to children or incompetent adults. Otherwise, simply store H202 in any cool, dark location. Extra bottles are best stored in their box, the bottle upright, and the top SLIGHTLY loosened.


At temperatures of 70 degrees or lower (but not freezing), h2o2 will decompose at a rate of less than 1/2% per month. Higher temperature will increase decomposition, but it not insignificantly unless the temperature is well over 80 degrees. Do not store H202 near a heat source such as a hot water heater. Given its anti-bacteria and anti-fungus nature, H202 will never spoil.

The primary cause of H202 losing its potency is prolonged exposure to UV light from any source. It is very important to store h2o2 in the dark.


H202 is an extremely powerful agent against bacteria and fungus. A 10 year old bottle of any 35% food grade h2o2 product would still be safe to use if it had been stored in the dark. The only effect of aging would be that the concentration level of the H202 will reduce to almost nothing over time. Hydrogen peroxide never spoils. Rather, it decomposes over time losing its extra oxygen molecule and turning into water with time.


Diluting with water is the core to all emergency procedures.

If spilled in concentrated from on your skin:

Even a residual amount of Hydrogen Peroxide will temporarily bleach skin. You will feel a stinging sensation and the area of contact will turn a light yellow or white.

Do not be alarmed. H202 is not poisonous and the effect is temporary.

You should immediately wash off the area with water. If you do not have water, and water based liquid will work - such as soda pop or milk. You could even use spit if just a small spot.

Usually the skin will return to its normal color within the hour and stinging usually stops in 10 to 15 minutes.

H202 is not toxic, so no poisons of any kind have entered the body and there is no long term damage.

Spilled/splashed in eyes:

THIS IS A SEVERE EMERGENCY IN WHICH SECONDS COUNT. Hydrogen peroxide can quickly permanently damage eyes.

If any undiluted H202 is splashed in eyes, IMMEDIATELY AND EXTENSIVELY flush the eyes with water. If the person is resistant (such as a child) it is CRITICAL to forcible flush the eyes with water (this means splash or pour room temperature or cooler water into the eyes.

If water is not available, use any water based liquid safe for eyes - such as soda pop, milk, or juice.

If the eye(s) continue to have a burning sensation, seek immediately medical attention.



Like many substances, the amount consumed and concentration of it matters. As example, arsenic is naturally found in foods, well water and the environment. Trace amounts are not harmful. However, concentrated arsenic is a health destroying and deadly poison in concentrated and in quantity.

The same is true of hydrogen peroxide. It is a substance found in nature and even in your body. However, highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide in quantity is very destructive.

Highly concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide is extremely corrosive to internal organs and can cause permanent and fatal damage. H202 is not a toxin, but it is extremely corrosive in high concentration. THERE IS NO CIRCUMSTANCE WHERE A DELIBERATE INTERNAL CONSUMPTION OF A LARGE QUANTITY CONCENTRATION h2o2 THAT HAS NOT BEEN DILLUTED WOULD PRODUCT ANY RESULT EXCEPT SERIOUS PERMANENT INJURY OR DEATH UNLESS IMMEDIATELY ADDRESSED. H2o2 MUST be EXTREMELY diluted.

In the event of swallowing undiluted H202, do the following IMMEDIATELY:

1. Consume (swallow) as much water as possible.

2. Dial 911 or your other local emergency number.

Stress to emergency personnel answering that this is a life-threatening circumstance.


Induced vomit would cause fluids in the stomach to enter into the lungs and the throat. Both the lungs and throat are far more easily and permanently damaged than stomach lining and serious lung damage can be instantly life-threatening or fatal. NEVER induce vomiting.

The level of concentration of hydrogen peroxide is how much water is in it. 35% concentration means that 65% is water. So by drinking water after an accidental drinking of concentrated peroxide, you are diluting it in the stomach. This is way in general the way to address accidents involving h2o2 is to add as much water to the situation as possible.


The emergency procedures above are for the accidental swallowing of Hydrogen Peroxide.

More common inquiries we receive are the effects of using diluted H202, but at a higher levels than 1 drop per ounce (there are 600 drops in an ounce of water) that then appears to be causing an unpleasant side effect. .

If you have consumed a higher level - but still highly diluted - of H202, a common and quickly noticeable effect is a sense of stomach bloating. If you had only used a slightly higher level of concentration (such as 2 or 3 drops per ounce), this may be addressed simply by drinking more water to further dilute it in your stomach.

The sensation of stomach bloating also can occur if you use tap or spring water rather than distilled or filtered water. This is caused by the H202 prematurely releasing its oxygen in a gaseous form (thus, stomach gas).


If swallowed in too concentrated a form drink as much water as possible to dilute the strength internally and seek professional emergency care. Water dilutes H202. Other sources (such as soda pop and milk) contain organic substances which can interact with the H202 causing it to rapidly decompose (release its oxygen).

In instance of swallowing full strength 35% H202, any means of any water based liquid should be swallowed to reduce concentration, though water is the preference. This is an immediate life threatening circumstance and you must immediately seek professional medical care.

To address a sensation of minor bloating, drink only water.



Initial diarrhea (short term) or a temporary sense of bloating is not that rare for first-time users (though most do not experience such effect). Diarrhea and bloating can be caused by slight gas build up from the H202, which is not harmful and might be beneficial. However, there should be no significant pain involved with any H202 usage.

If you experience significant internal pain after using H202 internally and the pain is apparently from the h2o2 usage, this can be a VERY serious matter calling for you to seek immediately emergency medical attention - meaning calling for an ambulance now.


Generally for personal usage levels and quantities there is no airborne dangers of H202. H202 is not poisonous or toxic.

However, if you use large amounts in an enclosed area (such as for furniture stripping etc.,) you need to have fresh air circulating. A HIGH level of H202 vapors can create a corrosive effect, which you would first notice as a burning sensation in your nose. If this occurs, simply go to an fresh air area and use a fan to blow out the air in the room. Again, H202 is not poisonous or toxic.

The WARNING SIGN for an excessive build up of H202 fumes is a stinging sensation in your nose.


NEVER USE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN ANY CONCENTRATION FOR ANY DIRECT INJECTION INTO THE BLOOD STREAM, AS A NASAL OR EAR SPRAY OR AS AN EYE WASH. Doing so will cause permanent injury or death. Only an AMA licensed doctor is qualified for any h2o2 injection into the blood stream. As strongly as this author personally believes in health benefits of h2o2, the author also ONLY has used h2o2 injections when both prepared and administered by an AMA licensed doctor.

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Swimming Pool and Hot Tub usage: 


  To learn why more people are using hydrogen peroxide for bath, pool & Spa - Click Here 

Getting started –

Many recommend shocking your pool or tub to start using hydrogen peroxide. Either Food Grade or Technical Grade can be used.

To “SHOCK” your pool or hot tub, a relatively high level is used at a ratio of 1 cup for every 250 gallons. DO NOT RUN your pump continuously. Rather, run it only long enough to circulate the water and then turn off the pump. Ideally, you should add the h2o2 at sunset and allow the water to sit 24 hours before turning the pump back on. The tub or pool may be used afterwards.

It is NOT necessary to shock your pool or hot tub if you are starting with fresh water. H2o2 will not adversely interact with other pool chemicals.


This depends quite a bit on the water source and the amount of organic materials that enter the water (dust, leaves, number of people using the pool etc.)  If you are starting with new water, a good starting point is 1 cup of  h2o2 for every 500 gallons of water.

H2o2 interacts with and oxidizes organic materials and decomposes with UV light.  This is a reason that h2o2 must be added time to time to maintain its level in the water. There is no danger of h2o2 levels increasing or forming dangerous residual chemicals.

TEST STRIPS: Ideally, you would keep the concentration level measuring between 50 and 90 ppm. We offer test strips for such testing.

CHECK YOUR FILTERS OFTEN: As with any pool or hot tub with a filtration system, you should regularly check your filter(s) as clogged filters will damage some pumping systems.

STORAGE: H2o2 should ALWAYS be stored in TOTAL DARKNESS and a cool location. UV light causes h2o2 to decompose.

CAUTION: ALWAYS wear plastic gloves and safety goggles when adding h2o2 to the water as it can splash or spill. You simply add the hydrogen peroxide to the water and no special injection system is necessary.


Food spoilage and food poisoning both are the result of the growth of microorganisms in fresh cut fruits and vegetables. Increasingly, food packers have begun switching to use of hydrogen peroxide as a disinfecting agent due to the safety issues of using chlorine. H2o2 is a powered anti-microbial which may be used not only for washing fruits and vegetables free of pesticides and 35% contaminants present, but also to extend the self live of these fresh products and elimination of the microorganisms delays spoilage.

If you are wise enough to wash your fresh product and tired of how quickly it spoils even if refrigerated, washing these in an H2o2 solution will help both problems without any of the toxic effects of chlorine.
Dilution ratio: I/8 cup h2o2 per 1-gallon water. (A little goes a long way!) 


Ever notice that after you open a head of lettuce, it starts to go bad within hours - turning brown? This is due to invasion of microorganisms where it has the lettuce has been wounded and it is your touching it that conveyed the bacteria, fungus etc.

Dilution: If you keep a gallon jug with 1/2 ounce  h2o2 to the gallon and rinse the head off before putting it in a sealed plastic container (shake off the excess h2o2 solution first), it will last longer before it turns.


Many medical experts agree that most colds and flues are no passed in the air, but through the hands. You shake hands with someone and whether in eating, rubbing your nose, smoking a cigarette, chewing your fingernails, etc. - pass this on to yourself via your hands. Experts agree that washing your hands often is the best way to reduce catching many diseases.

Dilution: To make a good hand wash, use 1 ounce per 1-pint (2 cups)  h2o2. You also may add hand soap to this solution and put it in a hand soap pump bottle. Now you not only are washing your hands, you also are using a powerful antiseptic.


The primary cause of meat spoilage is microorganisms. Meat packers learned long ago that if they can keep meat from being touched it will not spoil for months. Packinghouses will have their meat cutters never touch the meat directly and continually dipping their knives in sterilizing solution. If you are tired of your meat spoiling within a day or two from arriving from the grocery store (cutters in grocery stores tend not to follow these standards), wash fresh meat (beef, poultry and pork - all but hamburger) in an h2o2 solution and put it in a zip-lock bag careful NOT to touch it first - and it will last for weeks. 

Dilution: Same as vegetables and fruit above.


What is more repulsive than the powerful and repugnant smell of chlorine in a hot tub or swimming pool? And those fumes are anything but good for you. Increasingly, h2o2 is the preferred method of keeping hot tub and pool water free of algae, bacteria and fungus. It certainly is great to wipe down a hot tub for cleaning (rather than choking on bleach fumes).

Dilution: 1/4 cups  h2o2 per 1-gallon water. This ratio may be lowered to 1/8th cup per gallon water if you are using "treated city water" and the hot tub is indoors. H2o2 will not adversely clash with bleach/chlorine.

TIP: Birdbaths can become terribly contaminated if not periodically cleaned. Use the same ratio. The same is true for fountains. HOWEVER, do NOT use h2o2 or chlorine if fish are present, as fish are very chemical sensitive. Birds are VERY susceptible to infections and dirty water can injury or kill a bird. Keep your bird bath water CLEAN.


Plants like h2o2 and it benefits them in 2 ways. First, it oxygenates the soil. Second, it kills microorganisms, fungus and bacteria harmful to plants. It will not harm worms. House plants and gardens thrive with h2o2 supplementing and increasing numbers of commercial farmers have added h2o2 to their inventories for their crops for this reason. 

Dilution ration. Put 1/2 ounce 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide per 1-gallon water for plant watering and for water to soak seeds for sprouting.

Sprouting needs: Add 1 ounce 3% hydrogen peroxide to one pint of water and soak the seeds overnight.
Add the same amount of hydrogen peroxide each time you rinse the seeds.


Chlorine, bleach, and ammonia all are toxic - both in liquid form and the fumes they cause. H2o2 is the safe and wise alternative. Use it to wipe down kitchen counters, to mop the floor and particularly wipe down the refrigerator interior (kills the organisms leading to spoilage. It will sterilize the toilet bowl and overall bathrooms tend to collect micro-organisms. Wipe out the children's lunch box to eliminate odors and it is great for eliminating kitchen odors.

Dilution ratio: 1 cup 35% food grade h2o2 per 1 gallon water 
Note: the dilution ratio of 1 ounce per 1 quart is good for a face wash water, and good to reduce ache as well. But do not use around your eyes any stronger than this and if in doubt, dilute further.

Clothing/ laundry

H2o2 is a safe alternative to unsafe bleach. The finest clothing manufacturers use h2o2, not bleach, as their whitening agent. Bleach residual against your skin is terrible for the skin and chloride vapor in the air is very harmful to health. Replace bleach with h2o2. 

Tip: Pillows and pillow cases are atrocious for gathering micro-pests.  

Every month or so you should rotation the pillows you sleep on. Remove the pillowcase and seal the old one in a black plastic trash bag and leave it in the sun (if possible). At the end of the month, all the mites, fungus, bacteria and 35% microorganisms are gone. Rotate your pillows this way. The only alternative is to wash in an h2o2 solution (if pillow is washable and most actually are) or throw you pillows away every month or two. Remember, if you wash a pillow, do not dry it on the hot setting of the dryer. 

Dilution for laundry: 1 cup  h2o2 per wash load. You may increase this amount for strong bleaching effect on whites if you wish. H2o2 will also kill the millions of micro-mites and pests that gather in bedding and pay particular attention to pillowcases.

Dilution: 1/2 cups  h2o2 into the dishwasher
and dishes sparkle and are sanitized. Or use 1 ounce per gallon sink water if you sink wash your dishes (add it to in the rinse water if you rinse with a basin.) 

For small animals (dogs and cats) use 1 ounce 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to 1-gallon water for their bath water. For drinking water, the dilution should be no stronger than 4 drops.
Remember to keep your pet's bedding clean like yours and h2o2 is a great sterilizing agent. Wash a cat litter box with the h2o2 kitchen cleaning mix described about and odors are gone - and not replaced with horrible bleach smell.

Never use ammonia to clean anything around pets and it is terrible particularly to use ammonia for mopping around pets. Ammonia smells like urine to animals (how many animals mark their territory) and both cats and dogs can be deeply confused by ammonia smells as it leads them to believe their territory had been invaded. Usage of ammonia has lead to many 35%wise unexplainable dog and cat run-always.


Never use h2o2 for aquarium water as each species of fish if generally very chemical specific. However, h2o2 can be used for aquarium clean up (fish out) and would kill the microorganisms that make the rocks, etc. in an aquarium stink.

After using the h2o2 cleaning solution (2 ounces per gallon) and letting it soak a while, then rinse again with fresh water. Odors gone. Microorganisms gone. As an aquarium does not have the natural self cleaning ability as to rivers, lakes and oceans, you should periodically not only clean, but also sterilize your aquarium.


Feet get quite abuse being trapped in the same shoes day after day - for which the micro-pest level becomes high. For a good foot soak, add 1 & 1/2 ounces  hydrogen peroxide to 1-gallon water and soak. This will avoid problems before they start.


This not only kills the bacteria that causes bad breathe and goes a long way to preventing tooth decay, it also has a whitening effect.

  Dilute 35% food grade h2o2 on a 1-16 ratio (1 part 35% h2o2 to 16 parts water). This actually is a bit lower than 3% drug store and Wal-Mart h2o2.
DO NOT USE as a mouthwash in higher concentration. (This is one ounce per 1 pint or 2 cups of water). You can mix this up well in advance and just leave the bottle on the bathroom counter. The contents will remain sterilize due to the sterilizing effect of h2o2. 10 times as effective as alcohol based mouthwashes, plus the whitening effect of hydrogen peroxide.

Swish it around in your mouth for 1-2 minutes before brushing. Watch how white your teeth eventually become! But do not exceed the concentration!


When was the last time you put a big tablespoon of bleach or ammonia in your glass of water?

Sound nuts, no? But people buy huge amounts of beach and ammonia - both of which are toxic and nauseous in liquid and vapor form.

This fixation on bleach and ammonia is not worldwide and increasingly being rejected in the United States. Bleach and ammonia are bad for you. They are poisonous. H2o2 is not. But there are many uses of h2o2 you might not be aware of - and things you would not dare do with bleach or ammonia.  While bleach comes in 1-gallon jugs typically, this also is very diluted.
If you read materials urging higher ratios, it may be because their h2o2 is inferior or they are incompetent.

DO NOT use drug store 2-3% h2o2 for any purposes having to do with food or any potential internal consumption due to high levels of stabilizers - which often include heavy metals.  

  Drug store h2o2 has heavy metals and 35% dangerous stabilizers harmful internally.


Taxidermists use it to sterilize and whiten bones and skulls.

It is used for furniture stripping and lightening wood. It is used for many, many chemical and small-scale manufacturing purposes.


The FDA has not approved of any medical application or usage of hydrogen peroxide.

PLEASE NOTE: Hydrogen peroxide should NEVER be used for any medical purpose and never ingested or injected into the blood stream unless is it GREATLY reduced. You should NEVER inject hydrogen peroxide in any concentration into your blood stream and doing so will result permanent injury or death. Such direct injection should only be administered by an AMA licensed doctor and then it would be administered in a VERY diluted form. Hydrogen peroxide at any concentration level should NEVER be used for a eye wash, for cleaning ears or as a nasal spray.

There is no established level of safe oral ingesting of hydrogen peroxide, though it has been used in 3% concentration as mouthwash for decades (though not to be swallowed). Any oral consumption of any hydrogen peroxide should only be considered if it is first VERY diluted.

1 drop per 2 ounces of water is a dilution ratio of 1/ 1,800th as there are 300 drops per ounce if 35% is used. This equates to a concentration of approximately 0.02% hydrogen peroxide.

To repeat:

FOOD GRADE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE SHOULD NEVER BEEN USED FOR DIRECT INJECTION INTO THE BLOOD STREAM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE REGARDLESS OF METHOD OR LEVEL OF CONCENTRATION unless supervised and performed by a licensed medical doctor. Doing so yourself will result in permanent injury or death.

There are serious dangers with the misusage of hydrogen peroxide. It should NOT be used as an eye wash, ear wash or nasal spray. Direct injection into the blood stream is so dangerous that this must ONLY be done by an AMA licensed doctor and they use a HIGHLY diluted mixture of hydrogen peroxide and other substances in a process that takes hours. I have personally received AMA licensed doctor administered injection of h2o2 in the past and can not understate that you must NOT do so yourself. Improper injecting of h2o2 directly into the bloodstream will cause permanent and massive injury or death.

Excessive concentrations of oral (drinking consumption) can cause severe stomach damage and other injury. However, this is true of virtually any substance you would ingest, including virtually all over-the-counter medications and even food. Excessive consumption of food is now the 2nd leading cause of death in the USA.

The articles and statements on all pages of this website and any linked WebPages and websites are for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. You should consult with a physician or other health-care professional familiar with nutrition, prevention, and related health issues. Any product or statement on this or any linked web site has not been approved by or have not been evaluated or certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. Products are not offered specifically for medical purpose. Always consult your medical practitioner prior to using any substance or product for any medical condition including any product mentioned or offered here. The FDA has not approved the usage of hydrogen peroxide  for any medical purpose.

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